Tag Archives: Running


worked out and….AND yogged 3 miles today. which is a combination of running and walking but mostly walking. got in a good mile of running though, which is more than i’ve done in years. I think i will stick to biking though because i can get up to about 14 or so miles without getting a blister but still get my heart rate up and it’s a lot more enjoyable.

in other news….everytime i change the litter box my cats go in and rearrange every single particle of litter. i’m glad it’s one of those enclosed boxes or i’d go through so much litter and vacum so much i’d consider training them to poop outside, yes while on a leash…the guy across the street walks his cat why can’t i?


So today was nice to go running and not die. It was a light at the end of the tunnel. I also did the 30 day shred and that made me feel like a bad ass for running AND shredding. How awesome of me.
Since running was so successful i would like to keep it up and run in Portland. But it helps to be on a track so i think i might go to the field by deering oaks and jog around there. maybe bring my ipod next time for company.

It’s also funny how i noticed how my taste in music changes frequently. i actually like hip hop rap stuff? not sure what to classify it as but i feel like a bad ass driving around in my god awful beat up poor car whilst listening to rap. damn.

also, was thinking of juice fasting for a day.  to cleanse. seems like fun, probably won’t be.


So albeit i’ve only done the thirty day shred for four of the thirty days i am looking for something more to do at home. I am waiting till i get done with the semester to really take on running. I like the short amount of time that Jillians work out provides because i do have a short attention span, which seems to rule my life. If you can’t keep me entertained for atleast twenty minutes than you fail the work out dvd test. Duh.
I would like to work more on my legs and abs.
Any ideas would be appreciated.
It’s kind of a catch 22, i don’t want to be seen working out because i am fat and i can’t loose weight unless i work out. I really enjoy this 30 day shred, making a commitment. Five days tomorrow may not seem like much to the average joe but to me it’s longer than i stick to most things. If i can break my awful habit with this for 30 days than i am proving to myself that i can commit to anything. Voila! the vicious cycle is thus broken.

anyone have a roadbike they want to trade and or just give me? kthnxbai